Yesterday we added Moondance: Gates of Argantos to our shop. A bundle with beautiful and elegant models that illuminate the battle field with their presence. To balance the scales I added the Griefharvest Coven to the store! These horrific hags and creatures will do anything to enslave your soul or will offer your adventurers a deal that can benefit them but will most likely benefit the coven even more!
This bundle contains the awesome gargantuan models like Grandmother Sin - Wormbinder, Mother Glutkin and (my personal favorite in this bundle) the Turtle Hydra. The Huge models Sibyl the Dancer(outcast), Hardibeth - Whisper of the woods (with a bust) make the coven complete.
These hags are accompanied by large creatures like the Bog trolls, the Wailwasps and the turtle like Rukabaks, each of these miniatures are pretty hefty for their size!
These hags have their own servants to do their dirty work. The Defiled Hagservants are undead servants of the coven.
Another spectacular bundle made by Archvillain Games that came out in September 2022 and available now in our store.
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