Announcement! Etsy shop has been closed!

Published on 31 August 2024 at 13:59

First announcement! My Etsy shop has been closed! Etsy has the majority of my orders and has been a good chuck of my income that allowed me to keep my print on demand shop running. ... but ... a large amount of orders increases the time I need to slice, print, do maintenance, clean, package and ship everything.

Even though I have another 40 hour a week job and a family, it was still doable. The main reason to close the Esty shop has been the percentage that takes, the Costs that are associated with having a large number is listings.

My prices are already very low for the very high quality of cleaned prints that I deliver, so the margin is already very low. Raising the prices on Etsy is not an option because the sales drop tremendously. I have been able to save up some money, but that's been invested into my shop itself with newer printers and more unique files.

In the end, running a busy Etsy shop with low prices, the large time investment, and having little income in return is not worth it anymore.

The good news is that I'm not stopping with 3D printing.
My website will be the main focus but I do have to cancel a lot of patreon subscriptions and be a lot more selective with what I want in my shop. More on that later this week!

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